GBNP Seed Mix Store
Save water, save money, save wildlifeÂ
If you have a yard – at home or at the office – you can significantly benefit water conservation by prioritizing native, drought-tolerant plants in your landscaping. Plus, regionally native plants are diverse and brilliant and, with the right preparation, are sure to make your outdoor spaces a delightful place.
We have an assortment of seed mixes that are easily implemented into your yards and gardens.
From a small patch of native meadow to converting your open spaces to native lawn, we have what you need! Custom mixes are also available upon request.
Purchase Seed Mixes and Accessories
Ordering & Shipping Details
Click on the seed mix(es) and plant pack(s) you would like to purchase to place your order. ​​
Seed Mixes
Seed mixes can be shipped or picked up 2-5 business days within ordering pending in-stock availability.
You will receive an email with tracking info once it has shipped.
Refunds and Returns:
At this time we are not accepting refunds or returns for Water Wise Seed Mixes or Plant Packs
Thank you!
Once you receive confirmation your order is ready, it will be available for a no-contact pickup any day, anytime!
*Orders that are not picked up within 5 days may be removed from the hut for more appropriate long-term storage.
Pick up address: 165 A Blue Heron Dr, Hamilton MT 59840

Reducing Local Water Pollution
Less water in your yard means more water in our natural waterways.
Native plants are those plants that naturally and historically grow in an ecosystem or region. This means they thrive in local, natural conditions. Unlike cultivated plants or lawns, they don’t need high volumes of fertilizers, soil amendments, or water.
Chemical Pollution
We know flowing or even slowly seeping water picks up chemicals on its journey, carries them, and delivers them to larger water bodies. Synthetic chemical and fertilizer treatments added to lawns or gardens are dangerous and easily seep into the ground or wash off plants to end up in our waterways, damaging water quality for people and wildlife.
Temperature Pollution
Temperature pollution is “any change from the natural temperature in a habitat.” This means streams get too warm for native wildlife, like trout. On top of that, warmer streams allow non-native invasive species, like pike, to thrive, which further disrupts our streams and the species we want to live there. ​
Low Flow Alteration
One reason streams become vulnerable to temperature pollution is ‘low flow alteration’. When too much water is removed for our uses - like watering our yards - water, or flow level, becomes so low that aquatic life and other important natural processes are damaged.
Supporting Pollinators and Farmers
Native plants provide irreplaceable habitat and benefits to our local wildlife and natural areas
Native pollinators, like bees, birds, beetles, moths, and butterflies, have developed unique relationships and behaviors that can’t always be replicated by non-native species.
Thriving pollinator populations require healthy native plant populations and, in turn, encourage stable natural systems and food production